14 Sept 2008
Moon Cake Festival
Met up with honey after church & waited for dust to arrive. Accompanied them eat Macdonald while i did my studying. After which we trained down to lakeside to meet up with pink, jasmine & yan. Made our way to the nearest Macdonald again & the ladies had their dinner settled there. And again i did my studying. Jiajia and Game came. Honey was so cute lahs. He got mixed up with the HIV and he said HVI. And jiajia corrected him which made all of us laugh. And honey kept making the umbrella dropped onto the floor which hit my feet. It's painful but still endurable.
Then we walked back to the Mrt station to meet up with Weng. Went to the park as they mention and was damn hot. Honey said im so smart to bring a mini fan. Of cause im smart lahs if not how to become your honey?*LOL-Humble=X*
The ants are fucking irritating. Which made us have the "sharp pain". Had some Group photos and off we went on our separate ways.
15 Sept 2008
Day 1 : Honey is gone for the first day =(
OB exam today and i am not confident of passing. Holycows. Honey is sooooo sweetttt ! I wanna see you in Full U.
I will be missing youuuu !
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