Fuck life, fuck love, fuck everything. Screw up everything I have. All fucked it. Starting as good as an angel but as time goes by, turning into a devil with red horns. Why are all of them the same? Can't some of them just be exceptional from the others? I guess not... Was super shag today due to some fucking stuffs early in the morning. Late for work, but lucky jimmy didn't KP. The thing was in my mind all the time even though I still laugh or busy doing things. Every where is memories. Even in the shop. The route where we cross the road to MS, void deck, shell station, green tea and huggy and kissy scene. I can't simply make a decision right now. At the point of time when I'm falling... I don't want to regret my decisions. Seriously, I really didn't know what those actions meant. Can't they possibly use their mouths to say it out? What are mouths for? And i don't know why I would allow you... Ah, fuck it man. Vexed from all those thinkings whereas you just texted and ask me not to think so much and go home and sleep early when it's fucking hard to do it. Why can't they simply stand in our shoes? Is it so hard? Well, as for them, i guess so... Feeling so lethargic since Sunday. I ought to get this matter a solution. But I'm afraid that it would turn out negative. I seriously don't know what I want. I'm not sure whether few days are enough for me to sort things out. How can he say till so simple? Guess I really know who really cares and love me for who I am. =)
Having to think what I want ...........................................................
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